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The Affect of Societal Values on our Mental Health

Valley Morning Star - 2017/5/28

In a Gallop Poll taken this month, 72 percent of Americans said moral values in America are "getting worse," compared with 20 percent who said they are "getting better" and 6 percent who said they are "the same."

This survey, when compared to past surveys, is most alarming. Gallup found that Americans were most upset by a perceived lack of respect or intolerance for other people. "So their sour outlook on U.S. values may have more to do with basic matters of civility than with the more controversial moral issues that currently divide Americans."

Nowhere is this more evident than the event that took place at Notre Dame University this past week, where in some of the graduation class walked out as the Vice President of the United States was giving a speech. The graduates stated they were exercising their 1st Amendment Rights, which may be possibly true to some extent, but that really was not the case. They were disrespecting the person holding the office of Vice President of the United States of America.

There are many ways that they could have voiced their opinions and views; the letters to the editor of this newspaper can attest to that?they just showed a lack of civility and respect for our elected leader. This is a prime example of what is happening within our culture today?the fact that America is losing its Moral Compass.

As I have written about to the readers of this column in the past, out moral compass is essentially based on the philosophy of virtuous behavior, as postulated by the ancient Greeks Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, whom finally conceded that being a virtuous person must be having right thoughts and doing that which is right; in other words, "Being Good and Doing Good."

Our Country's Declaration of Independence and our Constitution are based on this as well, not to mention Christian Values; Cardinal and Theologian concepts; the Cardinal virtues being prudence, fortitude, temperance and justice; the Theologian virtues being faith, hope and charity.

From our friends in the Social Science world we find such definitions of moral, virtuous behavior as being of good character, honorable, courageous, law abiding, and trustworthy. From the psychology perspective we find virtue described as being determination, effort, perseverance, resolve, self-discipline, change, and positive habits.

Overall, the definitions always come back to describe the virtuous person's character and ability "to be good and do good."

We are not born with a moral, virtuous compass, they must be taught and learned; from parents, significant others, religion, schools, etc; we must be taught about living a virtuous life and engaging in ethical and virtuous behavior. As I have so often stated, citing Dr. Carl Rogers, "having a good life is a process, not a state of being."

The sum total of what we learn about virtues and virtuous behavior is our self-concept and our self-image; how we see ourselves, our perceptions of how others see us, and how others actually see us; and our relationship to our social and physical environment. If virtues are not learned, and if one does not engage in virtuous behavior, then one will engage in non-virtuous behaviors; disrespect for others, lying, promiscuity, bad conduct, criminal behaviors, etc; which are conducive to poor mental health.

How did the behavior of those few graduates at Notre Dame University appear to others there? What did the majority of the graduates who did not walk out perceive the action? How did the parents and other relatives and friends view the walk-out?

I would suggest that the majority of them would also find the act appalling?discourteous, disrespectful?non-virtuous behavior.

Yes my friends, America is losing its moral compass; and the facts and figures back this up. Many Americans today, most particularly our young Americans, are choosing to adopt the rule of "E over I," emotions over intellect. Our thoughts always come before our feelings, and many people forget this. Those are the people who have stated: "If it feels good do it," despite what their intellect, their moral compass, tells them they should do.

The breakdown in the core values of our society; particularly civic pride, nationalism and patriotism have a very big effect on the mental health of our young people today. Along these lines, as espoused by the "entitlement generation" are the disregard for the rights of others, discourteousness, lack of respect for others, and the general feelings evident by the lack of the moral compass.

Now, do not get me wrong. I talk to a lot of young people these days that do not exhibit that behavior at all?they were taught about morality and ethics and chose to follow that path. Unfortunately, however, they are the exception now days.

In reality, the 1st Amendment to our U.S.Constitution does not guarantee us freedom of speech at all, but addresses our Congress on the issue: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

In reality, the 1st Amendment does not pertain to the populous at all, but limits the role of government on our freedoms. Most people do not realize this, as they have not memorized the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution as we were required to do in grade school in my day.

No my friends, the example of those "walk outs" were not a true exercise of freedom of speech or assembly, they were directed at the disdain and disrespect of the office of the Vice President and President of our Nation. Whether this was sanctioned, and is an example of, the thoughts and feelings of the leaders (the chancellor, professors, etc.) of Notre Dame University is unknown; it certainly tells us a lot about them, as well as other institutions of higher learning, as they have been a part of this behavior in the past.

I want to make it very clear to the reader of this article that this article is not about politics?I do not write about that at all in any of my articles. The example given has to do with the loss of our personal and societal values in our Nation today, and the affect that has on the mental health of our citizenry; of which we all should be most concerned about.

There are many individuals and groups in our society today who promote division of our peoples; they work very hard in doing so?to diminish our moral values. We do well to remember the Quote by Founding Fathers of our Nation John Dickinson and Patrick Henry: "United we stand, divided we fall." Until Next Time, Stay Healthy My Friends!